If you’ve been appointed a Colleyville TX Guardian Ad Litem, you’re more than likely dealing with a case regarding your parental rights. Unfortunately, the courts may not always clearly describe what’s happening regarding your case. If you haven’t hired a lawyer to assist you, now is the time to do so before it’s too late. When a Guardian Ad Litem is involved, you’re at risk of losing your parental rights. Don’t take any risks in regards to your parental rights. Instead, call an attorney that can help you retain the rights to make decisions on behalf of your child.

Colleyville TX Guardian Ad Litem
What is a Colleyville TX Guardian Ad Litem?
A guardian ad litem is an attorney or mental health professional appointed by the court to evaluate whether a guardian should be permitted to retain child custody. If the Colleyville TX Guardian Ad Litem believes that the parent is an unsuitable guardian, the court may terminate the person’s parental rights. When a parent’s rights are terminated, he or she can no longer make medical, legal, or educational decisions for the child. In many cases, the child may also have to be removed from the home.
The court has a duty to rule in favor of the child’s best interests. However, you may not deserve to have your parental rights terminated. Even if you think you have a strong case by yourself, you need to hire an attorney who is familiar with this process. When it is up to a person to decide whether or not your child should live in your home, you shouldn’t take any risks. The Fetty Firm can evaluate your circumstance and decide how best to help you with your case.
A guardian ad litem may be appointed to perform a general evaluation of your life and the child’s environment. However, the court can alternatively appoint the guardian ad litem to investigate a specific area of your life. For example, if you are suspected of having a substance abuse issue that inhibits your ability to ensure your child’s welfare, the guardian ad litem may specifically evaluate your substance use. In either case, you can’t ever be sure how the person will judge your circumstances or behaviors. Allow The Fetty Firm to handle your case and help you retain your rights.
Do You Need A Guardian Ad Litem?
If you believe that your child’s parent should not have parental rights, The Fetty Firm can help you keep your child safe. For any number of reasons, you may find the other parent unsuitable to care for your child. If you worry about your child’s safety and welfare while they are in the custody of the other parent, don’t take your feelings lightly. We can push to revoke the parental rights of the parent who puts your child at risk of danger.
A parent has the option to voluntarily rescind their right to act as the child’s parent. Alternatively, the court can remove these rights involuntarily. In either case, the action taken must be for the best interest of the child. A parent cannot voluntarily terminate his or her rights to avoid responsibility. Likewise, a non-custodial parent who wants to revoke their rights in order to place the entire financial burden of the child on the custodial parent would not be successful. However, if the parent has the capability to make decisions for the child but has indicated that he or she would not use that power wisely, it can be revoked. Call The Fetty Firm if it’s in your child’s best interest that one parent not be allowed to make decisions for them.

Fair Guardian Ad Litem Colleyville TX
Other Areas of Law That May Need a Guardian Ad Litem
Termination of parental rights cases aren’t the only time a court may call upon a guardian ad litem. Any time the welfare of a child is questioned, a professional may need to evaluate the circumstance. The guardian ad litem makes a recommendation regarding where the child may live. As you might imagine, this information is necessary for numerous legal matters.
Child Custody
Child custody cases outline which parent the child lives with, as well as how often they might see the non-custodial parent. Some custody cases can be quite intense. Both parents may insist that the other is an unsuitable guardian. The guardian ad litem can investigate both living situations and help the judge reach a decision. In this case, the guardian ad litem will try to ensure that the child can have a fulfilling relationship with both parents, while still making a decision about his or her best interests.
Designation of Guardianship
In the event that you become incapacitated or deceased while your child is still a minor, who will become their caretaker? In most cases, the child may belong in the custody of the surviving parent. However, there are many cases in which that may not be possible. The parent may have terminated his or her parental rights, for example. Furthermore, even if a child could live the other parent doesn’t mean that they should. It may not be legally stated, but a parent may be an unfit caretaker. Fortunately, The Fetty Firm can create a legal designation of guardianship so that your child lives with the best caretaker. A guardian ad litem may be called upon to make sure that the prospective guardian is a suitable caretaker.
Adoption Services
Adoption can be as complicated as it is rewarding. If the welfare of an adopted child is ever questioned, a guardian ad litem may evaluate.

Colleyville TX Family Court Lawyer
Call Us!
The Fetty Firm represents clients in family law cases, including matters that don’t involve a guardian ad litem. For example, our law firm can assist you with estate planning and probate court matters. To view a full range of our family law services, click here. Call The Fetty Firm at (214) 546-5746 or contact us online if you need assistance with your Colleyville TX Guardian Ad Litem case in the Colleyville of Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Colleyville TX Fun Facts
- Colleyville is a high-income area in Tarrant County with rural charm.
- Many celebrities live or have lived in Colleyville.
- The Cotton Belt Trail stretches through the city.
- Click here to learn more about Colleyville.